The City Museum bills itself as an "eclectic mixture of children's playground, funhouse, surrealistic pavilion, and architectural marvel." It's a place where
you are encouraged to feel, touch, climb on, and play in the various exhibits and is housed in the former International Shoe building in the Loft District.
On the roof top sits bigger than life size metal praying mantis, an old-fashioned ferris wheel and a school bus hanging off the edge where you can walk in the school bus and open the door from the driver's seat. It is possible to climb a series ladders that are enclosed with metal that coils for your safety.
The cake is very representative of the Museum.
On top sits a praying mantis. There is a school bus hanging off the edge of the cake.
slinky, like the coil protected ladders, wrapped around one of the layers as you can imagine the ferris wheel spinning in the background.
Cake artist - City Museum staff
Fifty-six down one hundred ninety-two to go.