Saturday, March 29, 2014

That cake is a Payne

The Payne – Gentry House is over 100 years old and is restored to its original beauty. 

At one time, it was a doctor’s office for the unfortunately named Dr. Payne.  I am sure that some blood was spilled in the house during Dr. Payne’s practice and I would guess that is why the cake is a blood red. 

Some say that the house is haunted. I did not notice this sinister feeling. To me it seemed like an old restored house in the front on a neighborhood park. 

Dark foreboding did not arise in me at The Payne- Gentry house, but I did get the feeling that something spooky is going on in Bridgeton.

Rich again. 

Cake artist - Genevieve Esson

Twenty-eight down 222 to go.

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