Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lemp Mansion

Beer and Pretzels

The Lemp mansion looks like a nice place to eat dinner. The Lemp mansion has been many things during its life from the mansion for the family, a boarding house to a restaurant. It is set in a historic area of St. Louis in the shadow of the Budweiser brewery. I am sure at one time this was one of Budweiser big competitors. The Lemp mansion is reported to be haunted and I have seen the ghost myself and I have a picture of it. That's what I tell my grandchildren.
I am sure many people like beer but I myself haven't had a beer in a little while, but one thing I do enjoy that's right in the area and that's Gus' Pretzels. I'm surprised that Gus' Pretzels did not have its own cake. I have become addicted to Gus's pretzels. I like them so much I even like them stale. When the pretzels are about 3 days old and the salt has dissolved into them and they're real crunchy and chewy that's my favorite.

Guest blogger - Rich

Cake artist - Phil Jarvis

One hundred-thirty-four down 116 to go.

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