Thursday, September 25, 2014

Skyview Drive-In

It's intermission! Time for cake!

On the cake at the Skyview Drive in Movie Theater there is a collection of Corvettes. The Chevrolet Corvette is an American icon and was built here in St Louis at the  beginning of the production the car. Lenny Kravitz sings about the Corvette in his song, Oh I want a Chevrolet, I want a Corvette Yeah Yeah Yeah, (not really but that's  how I sing it). I do not think a Corvette is a good car to watch a drive in movie with because it has bucket seats.

To enjoy watching a movie in a car you need bench seats. I am not sure any automotive product comes with bench seats today. I wonder if the decrease use of bench  seats lead to the decline of drive in movies? The last time I seen a drive-in movie was a long time ago. The movie was Damien: Omen II. We did not go inside the drive  in but sat in a parking behind a supermarket and caught the movie for free. We made up our own dialogue. I guess that was an early form of movie pirating.

I noticed that the Skyview drive in movie was playing first run movies. I wouldn't mind seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at a drive in movie, that seems to be the  kind of movie to watch at one. I know most of the drive in movies that I've seen at one time or another have turned into flea markets on Saturdays to make some extra  cash.

The best movie ever seen at a drive in movie was The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. I seen it at the Whitestone drive in movie. I don't know if it's there anymore, I would
think it went the way of bench seats. (It did).

Guest blogger - Rich

Cake artist - Ray Harvey

One hundred-thirty-nine down 111 to go.

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