Monday, August 4, 2014

Bonus blog

Bonus Cakes are the Best

Sometimes you go to a place to see a cake and for some strange reason the is no cake. Maybe some one ate it or used it for a party. No biggie although it would nice to say I seen each cake of the St Louis 250, somethings were not meant to be. That is why bonus cakes come in so handy. On a recent trip to Lego Land there was a cake in the lobby made of course out of Lego bricks. It was a fine cake and I was not expecting to see a cake there so it was a pleasant surprise.

Another pleasant surprise was the cake for my grandson's birthday. It was an ice cream cake and was delicious and very fancy. Enjoying a birthday cake with my family and everybody feeling happy was a great way to top off an outstanding day. It was a bonus cake day!

Guest blogger - Rich