Monday, August 4, 2014

Rhineland cakes

Franklin County Courthouse

How much is that cake in the window at the Franklin County Courthouse? Guess which window the cake is in and you win a prize.

Cake artist - Paul LaFlam

Washington Historical Society

The cake at the Washington Historical Society is snuggled in a corner of the porch. It's decorated with grapes and vines which are representative to the area. If you have realtives that came from this area, the historical society is a good place to start your family search.

Cake artist - Gina Harmon

Mount Pleasant Estates

Mount Pleasant Estates is the 3rd largest winery in the state of Missouri. It is located in the Rhineland area of the Missouri River. The region was settled by German immigrants who determined that the location was good for growing grapes.

I had to ask an employee where the cake was located. I was told "On the back porch of the café. It's got the best view of the land."

Cake artist - Christy Martin

One hundred-thirteen down 137 to go.

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