Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Lady of the Rivers at Portage des Sioux

Maintenance cake

I do not know how many times I wanted to do something only to miss it by a few weeks, months, or even years. When is the next time the Urge is playing down at Mississippi Nights? I am not too sure it will be anytime soon the place has been closed for years. A day late and a dollar short would be very close for me. So when I heard that there was a cake at the Our Lady of the Rivers statue I figured that I would go see the blessing of the fleet and a cake at the same time. I found out that the blessing already happened for this year, so again I was right on top of the situation.

Being that it was a beautiful day I decided to ride out and check out the cake at the statue. It was a nice drive through cornfields and farmland to the little town on the river. I noticed that the cake was a dog cake and I figured that maybe the orginal cake was some how damaged during the recent flood in the area. While I was at the statue there were some people taking care of the area, watering flowers and general clean up, such as getting rid of huge logs left by the flood. I asked them about the cake and they told me that it is the original and as a matter of fact they had to move the cake because of the flood. A tip of the hat to Lynn, Judy and Terry for taking good care of the cake and moving it before the flood.

Guest blogger - Rich

Cake artist - Lindsay Harmon

One hundred-twenty-six down 124 to go.

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