Monday, August 4, 2014

Meramec Caverns

Cakes of The Mound City and The Cave State.

Missouri is known as the Cave State. There are many caves underneath the city of St. Louis so much so that a local brewer used the caves as a natural holding and cooling area for their beer. Probably the most famous caves around here are the Meramec Caverns.

Try driving down the highway without seeing a sign for the caverns, it can not be done. The caves have served as everything from a Civil War gun powder factory, The James Gang hide out, a honeymoon hide away, and a live action set for Lassie. I was a tad disappointed that I did not see any bats and I think my grand children were waiting to see Batman but he was a no-show.

A patriotic song and light show was the high point of the tour. I must be getting old because the caves did not seem all that cool to me and I found it a bit hard to navigate along the pathways. I am sure that there were a few places near by to do some hard-core spelunking but the caverns was about as adventurous as I get.

Guest blogger - Rich

Cake artist - Rich Brooks

One hundred-ten down 140 to go.

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