Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cambridge Innovation Center@Center for Emerging Technologies - Cortex

CIC@CET - Cortex

Cambridge Innovation Center offers office space and assistance for start-ups. The center aims to house as many as 75 companies, including entrepreneurs, life  science and non-profit groups.
Center for Emerging Technologies provides the specialized facilities, knowledgeable support services, entrepreneur training programs, and access to capital needed to establish and develop bioscience, medical and other advanced technology companies.
Cortex is mid-America’s premiere hub for bioscience and technology research, development and commercialization, anchoring St. Louis’ growing ecosystem of innovative startups and established companies. It provides state-of-the-art facilities to support the nation’s most promising technological advances. It offers custom lab and office space, proximity to world-class research institutions, a highly-trained tech workforce, access to venture capital.
In other words,  this is like that show shark tank but here they are a more into getting the businesses running and with inclusion of women and minority start ups. Advice and investment and a place to start off are provided.
Cake artist - Megan Rieke
One hundred-sixty-four down 86 to go.

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