Saturday, October 18, 2014

St. Louis Science Center

Science Fair cake

Across the pedestrian bridge, from the Planetaruim, over the Highway 64/40 is the main building of the St. Louis Science Center. The new building includes an Omnimax, called the IMAX Dome theater,  and The Energizer Machine.

The three stories tall Energizer Machine has balls that are constantly whirling about causing all sorts of noises from over 50 different things ranging from  bells to compressed air blowers, to chimes, to drums.

New exhibits in the main building are devoted to Earth science, emerging technology, life sciences, physical science, and chemistry. Within two months after the remodeled Saint Louis Science Center opened, it became one of the most visited science centers in the world.

The Center is one of only two science  centers in the United States which offers free general admission.

Cake artist - Dennis Smith

One hundred-sixty down 90 to go.

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